Fears, make you think of anything but knitting, right? WRONG!! Well, that’s wrong for me at least. You guys know how I felt about sweater knitting in the past. I allowed my fears to stop me dead in my tracks.
We all know that sweater thing is no longer an issue. What you didn’t know is there is a ton of other things I am afraid of and therefore I avoid. Insert charts and watch me run in the other direction

I am was approached/bribed by Amy Meeks to do a test knit for her. Guys, I don’t test knit because…deadlines. She must of known because she put this fabulous orange yarn in my face and I caved.

I was excited about the test knit until I read the pattern. When I spotted the chart, my fears had a party in my head. I instantly told myself I can’t do this test knit. Chart knitting is what real knitters do, I was shook.
Until I realized I didn’t have a good reason for not doing charts. This fear was all in my head. This train of thought reminded me of when my mom would leave me at the kitchen table because I wouldn’t eat something. I would say “I don’t like it” she would say “what does it taste like?” I never had an answer. She would say try and if you don’t like it then you know why.
I tried and I did it! Let me explain, I must give credit to my Notability App on my iPad. I was able to use my iPencil to keep track of my place on the chart!! Talk about proud!! Woo Wee!

Below you will see a picture of the finished hat. This pattern also has a cowl and I am working on that now. Here are a few things that helped me
- Use something to keep track of the chart
- Know how to read your stitches
- Mistakes are a part of the learning process
- Stop saying you can’t and just try

When the pattern is released I will share. I am so very proud of myself, but I won’t be doing test knitting any time soon.
knit on my fiber friends…knit on
Love it! Way to go overcoming your fears. My favorite part of this post is “mistakes are part of the learning process.” Something I need to work on!
Thank you
Thank you for sharing this. Now I will give charts a try.
Yes try it!
It’s so interesting to hear what helped with charts, most stories are “nope, no charts for me.”
Good for you!
Thank you!
Well done dear! I can totally empathize with your self-talk and knitting. I recently took on a new knitting project for my daughter: a Bubble Knit Hat. I felt the same as you but what better reason to try something new-for our children! I can proudly say I completed the hat and my daughter reports getting lots of complements! Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re so easy to relate to and help so many of us who feel the same! Love you, dear!
Yay! Good for you!
OMG, I think we were on the same page this weekend blog-wise. I love, love, LOVE hearing about people expanding their knitting skills.
And now that you’re down with charts, I have to recommend Knit Companion. It’s AWESOME for keeping track of charts.
I have heard that recommendation before. I will check it out! Thank you!
You are such an inspiration. I love your videos and posts. When I check my Instagram, I always look for your posts first. I am going to try colorwork, this year. Have a great week. 🧡🧶
Yay!! Do it!
Our own fears can be our greatest road nlock, or a roadmap to begin our journey…. I love a journey…
Yes indeed
I’m very proud if you also. The hat is GORGEOUS!!! You did a wonderful job! See what you can do when you put your heart and mind to it! Nothing is impossible because you are a Superwoman!! Knit on!
Aww thank you
Beautiful! I am on a gray kick. I put gray yarn in my new projects. So far so good.
Gray and orange—beautiful
Thank you