Thanks is defined as a good feeling that you have towards someone who has helped you, given something to you, OR as kindly or grateful thoughts, an expression of gratitude. Yup I feel ALL of that, each and every time I log on to my laptop and see a post from someone on social media.
I was tickled pink when the shirt arrived for my BFF while I was there. LOL if you could have seen her stripping in the kitchen to put it on! hahahahahahahaha I love her!
I can not find the right words to express the flood of emotions that takes over when I see folks happily wearing their GGmadeit apparel. I am so sure everyone is tired of me sharing the pics all over the place! LOL! I am like a kid with a new toy, I want to show EVERYbody! LOL! I am loving the shirts in different colors, the travel mug in silver is hot, I need one for me. LOL! The notebook and the note cards, yes indeed, these pictures make me cry every time.
So in an effort not to kill you guys with pictures. I put a collage together with what I have so far.
Don’t they look good guys? It is almost a month since we moved to this new spot and I have some exciting things in the pipe that I can not wait to share with you guys! If you missed the campaign and are still interested in the apparel simply click on the shop menu above and you will have access to purchase, as well as my thanks!
Knit on my fiber friends..knit on