Knit & Relax: a knitting workshop

Guys I am all over the emotional map about teaching my first workshop on Saturday. I am excited, I am anxious and I am scared. When she called me that ole ugly voice in my head started talking to me, telling me no-one would pay for me to teach them to knit. But guys the first class sold out! Can you believe that!! OMGawd I am so very proud, but then here comes the nerves again.


So all day today in my head I was thinking what could I do that they could make easily and quickly. I grabbed some chunky yarn (it didn’t have a label on it but I think it Lion Brand Thick n Quick)  and US 13 needles and threw together a quick chunky head band. Did I tell you guys that I love chunky/bulky yarn and the drama of the big stitches? I did? Oh ok. 

The headband/wrap thingy needs a name so help me. I want to write up the pattern and give it to them as a part of the class. I mean they should finish it while we are together, but just in case they don’t. I love that it only took one skein to complete, no time at all to finish AND it’s versatile. You can tie it in front, on the side or in the back. Even being beginners they should be able to walk out with a satisfying project.


My Shelbey will be there with me to take pictures and maybe we can periscope too we will see, but you all know I will let you all know how it goes.  Oh and if you are local and interested in joining me there are still seats for the afternoon session. RSVP here The address is 87 Halsey Street, Newark NJ 07102


Now what should I call it, help me name my headband/wrap thing.

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on


15 thoughts on “Knit & Relax: a knitting workshop”

  1. Awesome!! Name it: “GG’s Thick N Quick Headband” 😆 Also to add, your class will be GREAT!! A NEW BEGINNING!! 😉😘

  2. Best wishes for a successful workshop. I see that you are supplying the needles. Do the students know what yarn to bring?

  3. Eileen Marlin-Hill

    See where picking up that first a ball of yarn has lead you……Congratulations and I am sure you will be amazing!

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