My thoughts on a Thursday


Thursday, Feb 23, 2017 and as I sit here and try NOT to knit I decided to really tell you all why I knit. I know it has become quite common to say knitting is therapy, but I promise you I am sincere. The proof is my current reality; I am going crazy with this sprained elbow/arm situation.

Why Do I knit

  1. I knit because I am unemployed and the clicking of the needles keeps me from getting depressed.
  2. I knit because it’s been 14 years since my grandmother passed and knitting eases my pain
  3. I knit because I have so much yarn and Shelbey will give it away, if she can find it all! hahahahahahhaaa
  4. I knit because I have met and keep meeting some of the nicest folks ever! You guys really make my life better
  5. I knit because I am single and well, my knitting keeps me company when the silence gets too loud
  6. I knit because guys, back in 2012, I lost my mom and my dad in a span of 8 weeks. WTF!
  7. I knit because outside of my Shelbey, my knitting is something that fills me with pride
  8. I knit because there is nothing that feels better than being able to say “I made it”
  9. I knit because I am still learning and challenging myself
  10. Finally, I knit because people actually pay for what I make: Bonus

My thoughts on a thursday

Find what makes you happy and hold on to it with both hands. I am no pro but don’t stop in the hurt, anger or disappointment keep going. In my case I knit my way right through it.

Knit on my fiber friends….knit on



14 thoughts on “My thoughts on a Thursday”

  1. Dang yes, get better fast! It must be so frustrating to not be able to knit! But look at all these insightful, inspiring posts you’re writing in the meantime. Using yarn or a keyboard, you make me think and enrich my life.
    Thank you!

  2. Hey GG, I’m a new fan of yours and just starting out with my own blog – this is such a great post! It’s lovely to get a bit of insight into the different reasons people get into knitting. You’ve inspired me to reflect on my own reasons and maybe post them myself! Hope you’re elbow/arm situation heals quickly 🙂

  3. I look forward to your posts as they brighten my day or just feel grateful we knit! I hope you heal quickly. At least pet your yarn and keep it close! You choose such warm and happy colors that I’m amazed you have the fortitude to sell your items. But I do understand the need to make a living too.
    Maybe sometime soon you may blog and sell your items without worrying about another job;)
    My knitting got me through the loss of my mom and five aunts and uncles in the last 4 years. I don’t know how people survive without knitting. I would have gone off the deep end.
    Keep going lady and knit on when you are healed!

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