So listen here….I was in Virginia for a family reunion and I had a photo shoot. Yes lil old me had a session with a phenomenal photographer who also happens to knit. Her name is Patty McGuire and she is a beast behind that camera, yea I said beast and I mean it! She made me so comfortable I forgot about my fat! I felt pretty 💁🏽
Have you ever looked at something you made and thought “damn! I knit/crocheted/sewed the hell out of that!! Well that is exactly how I felt when she started sharing the pics. #teamproudashell
I think I shared that I am test knitting for Cashmere Junkie, also known as Taiga Hillard designs; so I can’t share what I have been making, but baby when I do….look out because GG MADE THAT!!
You guys have seen my Spring Fever by Amy Miller but have you really? I mean L o o k 👀 I can’t thank Patty enough for bringing my passion to life.
Stay tuned as I will share as soon as I can
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on
How beautiful you are and that shawl. ….. Awesome
Thank you!!!
Still LOVE the Spring Fever and You are beautiful.
Thank you!
Fabulous photos, can’t wait to see the rest.
Thank you Willi! I can’t wait to show you!
And this is why good photographers charge so much – the difference in presentation is amazing!
And if you ever, ever get your heinie out here to Cali, we’ll do definitely a photo shoot that we’ll want to show off – LOL!
Yes indeed!!
Isn’t it!!
This is just for you – I was so proud of myself! Delete if you must after viewing, but this is my photo work, not my knitting.
It felt good didn’t it! And I’m not deleting nothing!!
You should be proud! It looks amazing!
Thank you my friend
Thanks GG!!! I’m so happy you are enjoying the pictures. YES! Isn’t it exciting to see your hard work in professional image? I loved working with you, and feel like we are old friends. Can’t wait to get together again.
Look you gonna have me driving down every time I finish a piece. Lol thank you soo much
Love, love, love it!!! You did that Patty and truly captured the essence of our Gaye: the joy and passion she has for knitting and that beautiful smile 🙂 Gaye you are beautiful and your creations are amazing; so glad so many people are now getting to see what I have already known for quite some time. Can’t wait to see what you are working on for Cashmere Junkie and here’s to more photo shoots of your lovely creations in the future!
Thank you Nae! Love you!
You ARE pretty and your knitting is gorgeous too!
Stunning pictures, you look incredible! And so does your shawl of course! 🙂 Love all the bright and cheerful colours.
Thank you!!
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