14 stores!! I did it guys! I am still tired but I did it! Below you will see my passport getting its final stamp! I saved Knit-A-Bit for my last store as this is also one of my favorite spots!
The Stores | Saturday
- Hooked – cozy little spot with a great selection of yarn, both weight and colors. They also had some great samples. I am a sucker for a good sample. The shawl below is called Braidsmaid and the staff was very helpful.
- Woolbearers – here I was happy to see Kathleen Dames. She was having a trunk show of her latest designs. I also ran into a fiber friend and that is always fun. This shop has been here for quite some time. They had a big table in the middle and a nice variety of yarn. This is the local shop for one of my fiber friends
- A Stitch in Time – is where I found Berroco Expresso and fell in love. The store sample caught my eye first and the rest is well…history! Teresa got some too. This is also a nice open and airy store (I like that) I like to be able to see and not be cluttered, does that make sense? Very friendly staff and customers; one of which was Michele Pridmore (a fiber friend). Hey Michele!
- Chelsea Yarns – another one of my favorite shops. We got there with 15 minutes to spare. Hahahahahaaa! My good girlfriend was driving you hear me! I didn’t know Kristina had her own yarn line..had to grab that! They were preparing to move..so I have to go back to see the new place.
THe Stores | Sunday
Sunday arrived and I had 3 stores left to visit. Shelbey was my chauffeur and we left the house early. We warrived a few minutes early. Yup I was on a mission!
Close Knit – a few years back I went to this shop, but at the old location. They have moved and are very close to me, so I will definitely go back. They got me with the samples too. LOL Guys you know I am broke and didn’t need to buy anything..but…the yarn below was knit up in the cutest lightweight shawl ever! So dang it! I had to get it! I mean everything was 20% off guys!
- Knit’s Fabulous – is located in Marlboro NJ which was about 50 mins from me. Another shop with a nice open layout and some great samples. At this shop I learned that fancy orange yarn was actually two different yarns. That sparkly part is a separate skein. Shelbey was supposed to be recording me showing you all this..and no video was found.
- Knit-a-Bit – another shop I call home. I call the owner the other Gaye and we are always met with the warmest welcome ever! My Shelbey said “mommy don’t go to Knit-a-Bit without me!” She loves it there! Check out the video below as we go from store to store.
Yay you did it! LOL How brave & intrepid of you! Thanks for the vids, it’s fun seeing others visit lots of yarn stores (there’s only one LYS I’ll go to here – the other one NOPE).
LOL I so get the nope. I had one of those this time around. I won’t go back that’s for sure
I love your enthusiasm about the yarn walk. Congratulations fiber friend!
Thank You 😊 it was a blast