Tip Tuesday | The one thing I need to improve

A tip can be defined as a piece of advice or expert or authoritative information. Let me start here by saying I am by no means an expert. I feel like I am an authority on this subject matter because I have suffered the consequences. Yes, you read that right, I have suffered.

Are you thinking what in the world is GG talking about? LOL, ok let’s get into this tip. This is something I have discussed previously and based on my behavior. I need this more than anything else. 🗣 READ THE PATTERN! You must read entire pattern so you are ready. I know that sounds like the easiest thing to do right?

Tip Tuesday

What do I mean by read the pattern first? I mean read everything for example, do you need multiple needle sizes? Will you need various cable lengths? Are you familiar with all of the stitches in the pattern? Did you read the key? Do you need to look up anything so you are prepared? How many stitch markers will you need?

I ask these questions because all of these things have stopped the flow of my knitting. Raise your hand if you are well beyond the collar when you realize you were suppose to change to a different needle size? Go ahead I’ll wait. Or, because you skim vs. actually reading, you missed that you should have decreased a few rows back. 🗣 Read the pattern..every line GAYE! Yup I am yelling at me. LOL

Tip Tuesday

I am just about finished with the Misurina by Caitlin Hunter and as I am binding off the sleeve…I decide to read the pattern. Yea the pattern that says to knit 3 rows BEFORE I bind off. Well yea, it’s too late now, because what I am NOT doing is tinking back a Jenny’s Stretch Bind off..NOPE I ain’t.

In the comments tell me about a tip you know will help, but you don’t do it anyway. P.S. The yarn is a yummy new base coming soon to Lolabean Yarn Co 🤫

Have a fabulous day…on purpose

Gaye G

33 thoughts on “Tip Tuesday | The one thing I need to improve”

  1. I’ll mention the “s” word – swatch! You’re going to spend all that time just to find out something is too small, too big, too short, or too long? I’d rather know ahead of time what kind of adjustments I may have to make further along in the making.

  2. Go up a needle size or two for the bind off so it is loose. Never do it and sometimes my bind off is too tight.

  3. Swatch!!! It’s always gonna be helpful – can’t think of any time it would hurt you. But I never do it. And how many projects have been frogged because of it??? Lots…😂

    1. LOL I feel seen. I know I should have swatched with this project. I probably would have figured out I needed to go up a size. But Imma block that baby to death! Yea I am! Thanks for reading

  4. I am a quilter and sometime knitter. I second the read the pattern tip. The tip I think I need to pay more attention to is always knit a swatch. And in quilting, always measure twice. I think those are connected. Thank you for the energy you putt I to your social media accounts ts. It’s a joy to listen to you.

      1. I think I learn the most by making mistakes so my tip is to accept that mistakes are the best teachers. Also when I make mistakes I don’t mind ripping back because I like to knit, right?

  5. Print, page protect, highlight, circle, and mark. These are my absolute MUSTS!! If there’s lace involved, then I’ll need flash cards also. Inevitably if I try to just wing it ,without circling the #’s for the size I’m working, it will be an epic FAIL. I downloaded KnitCompanion and I’m pretty sure it does all those things but I think I’m just too old to figure it out 😂😂

  6. Yes, also learned to read the pattern the hard way. In my case it was an errata. Which could have prevented by my tip: don’t print the pattern right away when you buy it. Check for updates of downloadable patterns right before your start. And then print if you want to.
    It had to happen multiple times before I learned.

    1. This!! Rowan and Berrocco patterns are infamous for this. I learned the hard way to always check for an update when I knit to right fronts of a cardigan when the pattern had one labeled left. It didn’t “look” correct but I kept knitting…

  7. Yes to all of this. Many times over! I tend to knit more than one project at a time. And some I don’t go back to for a while, they stay hidden away. So my tip. Take notes! What is your gauge, what needles were you using, what changes did you make on the first sleeve so they match, what yarn were you using!!!?
    I use Knit Companion and take notes on almost all my projects.
    Thanks for all you go GG!

  8. I would also say swatching is my problem as well as not reading correctly. I ripped out a whole sweater I worked on forever. Disappointing. Trying to work on my problem even though I want to just get started knitting!!

  9. I try to remember to highlight my size all the way through the instructions. Otherwise I can end up reading the wrong number of stitches.

  10. I loved this post, and also wanted to say I think the bracelet you’re wearing is wonderful.

    Like some of the other commenters, I know that knitting a swatch and getting my gauge right will really help, but I struggle to make myself do it (especially for things like mittens, where I can tell within a few inches whether or not it’s working out…but I know that knitting a swatch might have saved me ripping it out…but it feels like I don’t need to…round and round we go).

    Your project looks fantastic, hope it blocks beautifully! Take care and best wishes.

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