Vogue Knitting Live had to be one of the best weekends ever! Although I was feeling some type of way because funds, but I went anyway.
If you love knitting and yarn or hell crochet and yarn, Vogue Knitting is a requirement at least once. I am a confessed YarnHo and I promise you the best part for me is the people.
Don’t get me wrong almost any yarn you are in love with can be found in that marketplace. But the true gem, in my opinion is the peeps. There is nothing like meeting fiberfriends that you virtually talk to on a daily basis.
Vogue Knitting roCkstars
There is always someone that I am dying to meet and this year it was Julie Weisenberger, the owner and talent behind Cocoknits. She was teaching and I was afraid I wouldn’t meet her. I reached out via Instagram and she said come up to my class! 😱
Did I fall up in her class and tell her students how lucky they were to be in her class? I sure did! Hahahahaaa I got me a picture and got to fondle some of her sweaters. One day I will knit like her, one day!
Friends | Old and New
You Guys know the best part for me is meeting the people. That just warms my heart.
This sign says it all! Hahahahahaaa get all the yarn you want because……
Knit on my fiber friends….knit on
GG as always, it was great seeing you at VKL in NYC. I agree, seeing the peeps is truly the best part of what we love to do. It’s the fiber of our being.
Amen my friend! It was a pleasure meeting you as well!