This Wednesday I find myself working on a project I made before. Why is that a thing for me, is that your question? Well the reason I get through a project effortlessly is the excitement. I get excited about the end results, so if I know that result already, I lose interest.

I am currently working on a shawl called Nae by Anat Rodan Designs. My work in progress this wednesday. This shawl is one of the first I ever knit. Actually it was the second, the first was during my dad’s death. The Nae I cast on for the first time in April 2013. It was the first year I had to face my mom’s birthday without her. I cast on this shawl in her honor and in her favorite color; red. The knitting started on her birthday and I finished by mother’s day. I even named this project Mommy.
I love this shawl, it has texture (seed stitch) and as a new knitter I was able to practice increasing and decreasing. The shawl is knit from side to side, which was also new to me back then. I enjoyed the process and was very proud of the finished object. Guys, I very rarely wear this shawl *insert sad face* because even though my goal was to honor my mom, I get sad when I wear it. UGH! Did I say I love the shawl itself and were it not for the color, I would wear it often.
Fast forward to the here and now; this wip wednesday. I had my birthday yarn that Adella dyed for me. This was a case of the yarn came first and I needed a pattern. I was cleaning and came across this shawl..had my moment and then decided it needed to be worn. I knew if it was orange I would wear it out!! LOL! So I cast on. I cast on knowing this would be a slow process, because I made this already, right?

Quite honestly, the word surprised is what should be used with this project. This project is moving along because I think it’s because it’s been so long ago, I mean that was seven (7) years ago. Now that I have been knitting for a bit as well as wearing shawls; I know I like a long wingspan, so I will add a few more rows this time. The first time I made the center panel wider than designed and I may skip that this time, we shall see.
What about you? Can you do the same pattern multiple times? Is it as excited or rewarding each time? Let’s talk about it. In the meantime here are some pics of the original version.

Have a fabulous day, on purpose
Gaye G
Printed out this pattern; thank you! I have some patterns I have made more than once. One sweater (with my own variations) I have done at least 5 times (and only once as written). I am doing another for the second time, and have done some cowl and shawl patterns more than once as well. If I find a yarn I like, and am not sure what to make with it, I will pull out the tried-and-true for another look!
That’s what folks keep saying. Tried and true
You look gorgeous in red too, but I get it not being your color. I have a few things that I am giving away as the color is just not me. I am learning to share things that I do not wear so they can be happily worn elsewhere. I am sorry that you lost your Mom. Maybe this new shawl will be a happier reminder. Lost my Mom in 2000 and have many examples of her knitting in my heart. Hugs to you.
Thank you 🤗
I have shawl patterns I use over and over again yet I have the original enthusiasm because I use a yarn that produces an exciting colorwave and I never know how the completed project is going to look until I am finished. One of my favorite yarns is Shawl In A Ball (now being marketed as Shawl In a Cake) by Lion Brand. I have yet to knit one for myself. I gift them to others.
I love, love, love this pattern – added to my queue and library. Thank you for sharing.
The pattern I find myself knitting over and over is Hitchhiker – it’s not mind numbingly boring, but thanks to the garter stitch I don’t have to focus so much on the knitting, just where I am in the number of points.
You know I still have yet to make one of those
I have a couple of patterns that I have made multiple times but I find it needs to be one that I really love and know I will wear heaps. For me that is shawl and sock patterns. I also try to make sure that thy are getting made in different colours to have them look totally different.
Yes changing the color seems to help. Thanks for reading 👩🏾💻😊🧡
I have made a few things over like shawls and socks as someone else mentioned. The things that hold my attention are things that change pattern so I don’t get bored knitting it. I like fades and color changes a lot. I have to enjoy the k it and it has to be classic enough that I won’t tire wearing it in different colors. So something like a very patterned fair isle knit I probably would r make multiple times because I won’t want to wear that same pattern over and over. One thing I like about making something again is that hopefully I won’t make the same mistakes the second time around. It’s an easier knit because it’s more familiar.
Yes I like that you mentioned style. That is important
It’s been a crazy, 6 months. Sometimes, it’s nice to have something familiar, to work on. You always make your projects your own. You are great at tweaking anything. Have fun with it.
Thanks for reading 👩🏾💻😊🧡
I might have to make myself one of those Nae shawls. My Mum just passed last November and I have a bunch of her yarn in my stash. I think I’ll knit myself a hug with it. Thank you for the inspiration
Sorry for your loss 💔
Unless it’s a small project (hat or gloves), I am usually one and done. I have made sweaters for my great-granddaughters who are ages 2 and 1 that were the same pattern but different sizes. If I make a baby blanket, I look for a different pattern each time because to me it’s like second sock syndrome on a larger scale 🙂
Sending hugs and love your way as you overcome the grief hurdles.
Marilyn Fox Lewis (onepreciouswoman)
Hi Marilyn! thanks for reading 👩🏾💻😊🧡 and I bet those are the cutest sweaters ever!
I haven’t tried the Nae pattern – but it looks fun!
Like some of the previous commenters, I do reknit favourite patterns like shawls. (It has to be a well-written one!)
Sometimes it’s because I know the yarn will have a good result in a pattern I am familiar with, or I want to try a new yarn with a specific pattern.
Occasionally it’s because I want to give the item to someone, and keep one for myself.
Or I just enjoy knitting it more than once! I think I have knit Heidi Kirrmaier’s Windward scarf eight times. I plan to knit it again this year. The knitting changes from section to section. The pattern is written super-clearly.
I have knit a baby toy out of sock yarn any number of times. I can usually now knit one doll over a long weekend.
It has to be a decent pattern and I have to enjoy knitting it. Otherwise no way!
I have 2 knitting lives … before May 2018 and after 2018.
Before May 2018, I used commercial yarn from big chain stores and knit mostly toys and clothing for kids and the odd hat for friends.
Then my sister asks me if I want to go on a knitting retreat with her.
This changed my life.
When she first suggested this I didn’t know what to expect.
Do some classes, kicking back without the kids, a glass of wine …
But it was so much more.
I learnt about hand dyed yarn & ‘LYS’s & Instagram & podcasts.
Ravelry took on a whole new meaning.
Before, it was a site that I would look at from time to time to look at free patterns.
For me, patterns were bought in book stores or the big chain craft stores.
Who would buy a pattern that some random person made up???
But now I know.
I have jumped into the knitting community both locally and internationally.
Since May 2018, I have knit EVERY DAY!
During the day, I flick through my Insta. account.
I sit back at night watching YouTube podcasts while I’m knitting, my in-house virtual knit nights.
Since May 2018 I have discovered a whole world of talented designers & dyers with their fabulous patterns that I can knit AND wear made with beautiful yarn. I have binge-watched podcasts from beginning to end and get inspired as I see WIPs, FOs and HOs.
I came to the Sunset Highway party late and I only just Found my Fade under a year ago.
So in answer to your question “Have you knit a pattern more than once?”
… Nooo … I’m still trying to catch up!
Ask me again in 10 years 😉
Thanks for sharing that story with me