Jacqui Fink, yes her and me and day 2…lets go! My daughter was kind enough to drive me into NYC because I am a big ole punk! I was so excited and she well…see for your self! LOL She was happy on the inside I promise. Click play!
We picked up Tee and headed to Time Square. Now the plan today is to actually look at the booths and all the yarn and all of that AND Jacqui informed me that there would be an extreme knitting demonstration on the big stage. Woot Woot, I couldn’t wait. I grabbed my Evenflow by Jen Geigley and I was ready.
Before I get into it, I have to take a moment to talk about Jacqui Fink, I am so sure you all have seen her work, her site is called Little Dandelion AND that is her yarn and needles on the PurlSoho site…yea her!! Are you excited with me yet? You all know I am the the CEO of #teamlazy so fat fibers are my thing. There is something about the drama that chunky knitting presents that I just love and after talking to Jacqui…so does she! On her site her Bio says “I am a crafter of hand knitted oversized scale textiles and installation works made from a selection of beautiful natural fibres and raw materials. With a strong focus on naturally coloured high grade unspun wool from Australia and New Zealand, I create bespoke woollen blanket and throws (the “Woollies”) using large scale knitting needles.”
As I was starting to say in the last post I was waiting to meet Jen when I spotted the hat in the picture above and you KNOW I had to inquire or at least compliment. When she was walking by I stopped her and nearly passed out when I realized who she was!! OMG guys I have been following her since the beginning of my fat fiber love affair, which is pretty much from day one. I am sure I found her via Pinterest and I never EVER let go. One of you tagged me when she was giving a class in NY but I wasn’t working so, yea..that couldn’t happen 🙁 so I just kept watching from afar. I am a firm believer that all things unfold as they should and then this happens.
She greeted me with a warm “Hi GG!!” with that lovely accent! I swear I adore her. I introduced her to my Shelbey and they bonded..then she asked if I wanted to try…faint much? OMGAWD was she really gonna let me, show me how to knit with the Little Dandelion yarn and needles? Dear God is this really happening, am I really knitting with Jacqui Fink? Yes this was all flying through my head guys..I am about to cry typing this. I mean it when I say she is EVERYthing to me. My knitting life was made!! She even took the time to talk to me on video…and share some tips. The key is your legs, rest the weight of the needles on your legs (and they were not majorly heavy either)
There is something mighty special when someone you admire takes the time to talk to, to continue to inspire you, she made me realize that Fairy Godmothers do exist. She was so very open and inviting. I swear I will cherish this meeting forever. Thank you Jacqui for making me my weekend the best ever! YOU ROCK! She is all over social media if you find her tell her GG sent you!
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on
WOW! Sounds like an amazing experience. I’m smiling (actually jumping up and down inside) as I read your post. Thank you for the introduction to another fabulous knitter with vision. I am a newby knitter and found you on Ravelry; which I had never even heard of until just a few months ago. The world of chunky #team lazy is what I have been diving into (or in my case it just might be #TeamImpatient). Anyway, love your blog, and your instagam.
hahahahahahah how do I sign up for #teamimpatient I am so sure I would be a good member! LOL I am happy you found me. What is your user on instagram so I can follow! Thanks for reading!