Thought of the day

I love to share and give folks credit for being AWESOME! I have been blessed to come across some wonderful human beings in my lifetime. This morning while on Periscope trying to learn from The Instagram Expert, Sue B Zimmerman 🐝, she said this was her favorite quote and I agree. I translate this to “give and you shall receive”

This quote landed dead center on my heart because I am a giver and I just had to do a thought of the day post. I love to give gifts, praise, love, my name it and I will share. I get pleasure out knowing you enjoyed my gift.

In general people will complain first and compliment maybe. Well I am just the opposite, you will rarely hear me complain, but I will shout my pleasure up to the rafters. So today my fiber friends, I challenge you to shine the light on someone, to give a smile, a compliment he’ll give some attention and watch it come back.

Let’s make this fiber related and give/shine the light on your favorite designers, your favorite patterns, your favorite yarns and/or favorite needles. You see how this could be contagious in a fun way? Instead of shining the light on something that makes you unhappy, let’s focus on that we love and spread the light. I have tons of post on here that will prove I need stock in flashlights, because I stay shining light on those things/people that I am currently crushing on, you guys remember my post about Tjockt and more recently CocoKnits.

Who is with me? If you are then I recommend getting your shades because the light that will be returned my blind you, lol! You ready? Share your favorites below and that could include your favorite Quote of the day as well.

Happy Friday my friends, have a great day on purpose

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on


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