Last year I did Vlogmas for the first time. I started late, but I did it anyway. Well I started on time this year. The first vlog is below. Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss the fun.
What is Vlogmas, is that your question? It is a daily video journal, that ends on Christmas day. It’s work, but it’s also fun. In my Vlog you will get more of my life, including the knitting and yarn.
There are two Vlogs up already and I think they are pretty good. You will see any new yarn I grab or am crushing on. I will take you all along with my as I go through each day.

I love this time of year, because it forces me to be consistent instead of dwelling on what I don’t have during the holiday season. So come join the fun and don’t blame me if you spend a little money! LOL

I attended knit night at String Thing Studio last Friday and had a blast. Nancy Ricci (yea the designer of the sweater I am knitting) met me at Penn Station and we went together! Thank you Nancy. I met some new folks AND got an opportunity to snap some pics for Vlogmas. It was really nice to just sit and knit among like minded folks. Luis (brooklynboyknits) and Felicia were interviewed by Fox news, so that was pretty amazing. I was up front so I doubt that I will be in the broadcast tonight.

See you guys over on YouTube!

Knit on my fiber friends….knit on