Knit..if you love it, Knit, if you are young. Knit if you are male. Knit, if your name is Gale. Knit, if you are pink, purple, brown or black. Knit, because you can if that is a fact!
[bctt tweet=”I knit because I love it, Period! The fact that I am an african american female shouldn’t matter. ~GG” username=”ggmadeit”]
I do a lot of things and knitting is one of them, what often confuses me is the shock. Is there something in my genetic make-up that should stop me from being able to knit? Â My logo gets such love because folks say they don’t see “us” when it relates to knitting. I didn’t know you had to be *fill in the blank* to knit. I thought if you knew how, then go for it! My favorite, NOT, Â is the thought that one should be “old” to knit..wait what? I know a lot of folks were taught to knit by their grandmothers, but that is when she taught knitting not when she learned..UGH! I just want to scream We Knit Too!!! and by we I mean young women, old women, black women, young men, old men, white men, black men, asian men…WE, humans..all of us..we knit too and that should be all you need to know.
I mean if you did your homework you would find some of the original knitters were men. Did you know that? Use Google once in a while, it’s an adventure.
Fashionable knits were known in France as early as the 1420s. It is also known that knitting guilds, exclusively male… (source)
I hate the whole US vs. THEM attitude that is so prevalent in our world today. I often say [bctt tweet=”Yarn is the string that binds us all ” username=”ggmadeit”] and I mean that! I have met all walks of life via my love of knitting. Men, women, black, white, young and old.  Oh and yes the cup is available if you are interested. I made it for me, but I am willing to share. Click the picture. #weknittoo
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on
Amen to that! I just wish I wasn’t half a continent away, I’d join your knitting group in a heartbeat!
I would love to meet you in person!! Thanks for reading!
If you have fingers, a set of knitting needles and some fiber you can knit. If you have a love for the art form should knit!
If you love fiber and have fingers and knitting needle and a passion for the art form….you have to knit!!! This my friend is a fact…
Yarn being the yarn that binds…..I couldn’t say it any better!
Amen my friend!! Amen!
I hate stereotypes…of all sorts!
I hate predjudice of all sorts!
Like I’ve said before…a**holes come in all shapes, sizes & colours!😳
Yes, yarn is the tie that binds…but I’ve even met some a**holes at knitting spots!
Even in Canada….eh?
I can only imagine..we just have to continue to spread the love
I think the reason for the initial shock is that knitting is associated with western European peoples and their descendants. Why that association still exists is because knitters and crocheters of color, such as yourself, haven’t been loud enough! You’re actually educating people to rethink their antiquated (and I mean really antiquated because this is nothing new!) notions of who knits. You go, Gaye!
It’s so sad that knitting, crocheting, sewing or any craft are considered for old ladies and country fairs.
In my neighborhood, they stare at you as if you’re an alien whenever they see you knitting. Half of them can’t even sew on a button.
People are slowing regaining the respect and interest for the fiber arts. We must continue to teach our youth that there’s more to enjoying life than TV and video games.
Back to my knitting and coffee!
Love ya, GG!
Hey Dawn! Thanks for reading and keep knitting!